HYPSTER Terms of service

When using the "HYPNOSISMIC" official fan club HYPSTER, you must agree to and comply with the following Terms of service.

Article 1 (Purpose)
HYPSTER (hereinafter referred to as "our association") is composed of members who support "HYPNOSISMIC" and its purpose is to support "HYPNOSISMIC".
Article 2 (Membership Terms)
  1. 1. The Membership Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") shall apply to all cases in which members (as defined in Article 4) use the services provided by the Association. By joining, you are deemed to have accepted the contents of this agreement.
  2. 2. The notice in Article 3, these Terms, and Terms of service for each service separately established by the Association (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Terms of service, etc.") are a part of these Terms, regardless of their name. shall be configured.
  3. 3. If the provisions of these Terms of Use and Terms of service, etc. differ, the provisions of Terms of service etc. shall take precedence.
Article 3 (Notice to members)
The Association will notify members of necessary information by mail, email, display on the website operated by the Association, or other methods deemed appropriate by the Association.
Article 4 (Membership)
A member in these Terms of Use refers to an individual who has applied for membership in a prescribed manner based on the procedures specified by the Association, has been accepted by the Association, and has paid the membership fee, etc. as stipulated in Article 8 of these Terms of Use.
If the person applying for membership is a minor, the consent of a parent or other legal RIHITO must be obtained in advance.
Article 5 (Consent to membership)
  1. 1. If the Association determines that the applicant falls under any of the following, the Association may not approve the application for membership.

    • 1-1 In the event that the member's membership approval has been revoked or the member has been terminated due to violation of these Terms in the past (including the time of application for membership).
    • 1-2 If there are false statements, errors, or omissions in the membership application. If you are a corporation rather than an individual.
    • 1-3 If the same individual has already registered as a member.
    • 1-4 If you live outside of Japan and do not have a delivery address within Japan.
    • 1-4 その他、当会が会員とすることを不適当と判断する場合。
  2. 2. Even after the Association has approved membership, if it is discovered that the approved member falls under any of the items in the preceding paragraph, the Association may withdraw the approval.
Article 6 (Withdrawal Disposition)
  1. 1. The Association may withdraw a member if the member falls under any of the following items.

    • 1-1 If the prohibited act specified in Article 11 of these Terms is performed.
    • 1-2 If you are in arrears in paying the fees stipulated in Article 8 of these Terms.
    • 1-3 In the event of any other violation of these Terms.
    • 1-4 In addition to the previous three items, if the Association deems that withdrawal is appropriate.
  2. 2. Members whose membership has been dismissed will not be entitled to a refund of their paid annual membership fee, regardless of the reason. In addition, you may not take any rights such as claiming compensation for damages.
Article 7 (Member Benefits)
  1. 1. Members may receive the following benefits.

    • 1-1 Providing membership benefits
    • 1-2 Providing members-only web content
    • 1-3 会員限定オリジナルグッズの購入(商品の発送は日本国内のみ)
    • 1-4 Advance ticket reservation
    • 1-5 Other benefits specified by our association
  2. 2. The Association shall not be held responsible for any disadvantages caused by degraded service or delays in information transmission caused by members not using the Internet, specific electronic devices, applications, etc.
  3. 3. Members eligible for advance ticket reservations will be notified along with the implementation schedule. Please note that due to system reasons, you may not be able to use advanced ticket reservations even if you are a member, depending on when you join.
  4. 4. Regarding the member benefits specified in each item of the preceding paragraph, regular provision is not guaranteed.
Article 8 (Membership fees, etc.)
  1. 1. 会員は、入会時および次条に定める会員資格の有効期間の延長時に、次に定める会費(以下「会費等」といいます。)を当会に支払うものとします。
  2. 2. The method of payment of membership fees, etc. specified in the preceding paragraph shall be determined separately by the Association.
  3. 3. To use this service, communication charges will be charged in addition to membership fees. If you use packet service, you will be charged communication charges for sending and receiving.
  4. 4. If a member fails to pay membership fees or other amounts due, or otherwise violates these Terms and Conditions, the Association may, without any notice or warning, suspend the provision of the Service to the member or terminate his/her use of the Service.
Article 9 (Continuation)
  1. 1. The validity period of membership (hereinafter referred to as the "Validity Period") is one year (13 months) from the date of membership (the first day of the month in which the first year's annual membership fee is paid).
  2. 2. 会員資格の継続を希望する会員は、有効期間満了日までに次年度の年会費を所定の方法にて必着で入金するものとし、入金確認をもって有効期間が延長されるものとします。自動更新を選択している場合、指定の期日までに自動更新の解除を行わなければ、自動延長に同意したものとみなします。
  3. 3. Even if the expiration date has expired, you can continue your membership for one year starting from the expiration date by paying the annual membership fee for the next year before one month has passed from the expiration date. . If one month has passed since the expiry date, you will need to complete the membership registration procedure again.
  4. 4. If procedures are carried out in accordance with Paragraph 3, mail items sent to members between the expiration date of the validity period and the date of confirmation of payment of the annual membership fee will not be resent.
Article 10 (Obligations of members, etc.)
  1. 1. Members are responsible for managing the membership card, membership number, and password given to them by the Association, and are not responsible for any damage caused to the member due to insufficient management of these, errors in use, use by a third party, etc. In this case, the Association shall not be held responsible in any way.
  2. 2. Members shall not lend, transfer, or change the name of the membership card, membership number, and password given by the Association to a third party.
  3. 3. If a member changes his or her name, address, telephone number, or other information submitted to the Association at the time of application for membership, the member shall promptly carry out the change procedures or notify the Association in the manner specified by the Association. .
  4. 4. If a member fails to submit the notifications set forth in the preceding paragraph, and as a result, notices, etc. from the Association do not reach the member, the Association shall not be held responsible in any way.
  5. 5. Members acknowledge that when providing member benefit services, restrictions such as lotteries may be imposed on applications and usage due to venue circumstances, etc., and that members may not be eligible for advance reservations even for tickets or program viewing related to "HYPNOSISMIC."
  6. 6. Members shall refrain from any nuisance behavior, such as slandering the Association, other members, or any individuals or organizations related to "HYPNOSISMIC," as well as persistently making inquiries about the same.
  7. 7. Members shall comply with the contents of notices from the Association and instructions and guidance given at event venues, etc.
Article 11 (Prohibited matters)

1. Members shall not engage in any of the following acts when using the Association.
If any of the acts listed in each item are confirmed, the provision of services to the member will be suspended or the use of the member will be terminated without any notice or demand, and the member will be subject to withdrawal pursuant to Article 6 of these Terms of Use.

  1. 1-1. Buying/selling/transferring membership, changing/sharing names, lending to third parties
  2. 1-2. Fictitious names, falsehoods, and duplicate registrations
  3. 1-3. Use all data, information, texts, sounds, videos, illustrations, emails, etc. obtained through the Association beyond the scope of personal use permitted by copyright law. Also, leaking such information to a third party by reprinting it on other media, etc.
  4. 1-4. Infringing or engaging in any act that may infringe on the property, privacy, or portrait rights of those involved with “HYPNOSISMIC” and the Association, or any other third parties.
  5. 1-5. Defaming or libeling anyone related to “HYPNOSISMIC” or the Association, or any other third party, damaging their reputation or credibility, or creating the risk of doing so.
  6. 1-6. Transferring, lending, or changing the name to a third party, such as reselling the right to participate in advance ticket reservations, tickets, goods, and other rights based on membership qualifications obtained through membership benefits to a third party. , or the creation of a pledge or other offering as security.
  7. 1-7. Forcing contact or meetings with persons related to “HYPNOSISMIC” or the Association, or requesting contact or meetings with the Association or its related companies or organizations.
  8. 1-8. Using the Association to engage in activities for the purpose of profit for oneself or a third party, or activities aimed at preparing for such activities.
  9. 1-9. Using our association to engage in pre-election campaigning, campaigning, or similar acts, or acts that violate the Public Offices Election Act.
  10. 1-10. Using our association to engage in religious acts, including the promotion of religion, and acts related to religious associations, such as establishing or operating a religious group, or joining a religious group.
  11. 1-11. In addition to the above items, engaging in any act that violates the law or public order and morals, or that obstructs the operations of the Association.

2. If a member commits any of the acts listed in the preceding paragraph, the Association may request the presentation of his/her membership card and identification, and the member must comply with this request. If the member does not comply, the Association may take the same disciplinary action as in the preceding paragraph.
In addition, we may impose restrictions on admission to future "HYPNOSISMIC" related events and performances, and we will not provide any compensation for any damages incurred as a result, nor will we provide any ticket refunds.

Article 12 (Withdrawal, etc.)
  1. 1. 当会の指定する期日までに継続手続きが行なわれなかった場合、当会の退会手続きを行ないます。
  2. 2. When a member withdraws from membership, the Association will not refund any membership fees or usage fees for the Association's services that the member has already paid.
  3. 3. Members shall not be relieved of their obligation to pay for the purchase price of products, etc. based on member benefits and usage fees for our services, etc., even after withdrawal, if they are obligated to pay at the time of withdrawal.
Article 13 (Changes to service content, etc.)
  1. 1. The Association may change the contents of the Association's membership benefits and other services without providing any prior notice to the members.
  2. 2. In the case of the preceding paragraph, the Association shall notify the members after the fact using the method specified in Article 3.
Article 14 (Suspension of Service, etc.)
  1. 1. In the event of a natural disaster, interruption of telecommunications services, administrative closure requests, or other unavoidable circumstances, the Association may suspend the provision of all or part of its services without providing any notice to members. You can stop or cancel it.
  2. 2. The Association may suspend or cancel the provision of all or part of the Association's services without prior notice to members due to production circumstances, the operating status of the Association, or other unforeseen circumstances. shall be able to do so.
  3. 3. In the case of the preceding paragraph, the Association shall notify the members after the fact using the method specified in Article 3.
Article 15 (Dissolution of the Association)
  1. 1. If the Association determines that it is difficult to continue operating the Association due to the production status of "HYPNOSISMIC" or other circumstances, it may dissolve the Association.
  2. 2. In the case of the preceding paragraph, the Association will not refund the membership fees, etc. that have already been paid to the member.
Article 16 (Handling of personal information)
Regarding matters related to the handling of members' personal information, the Association shall comply with the privacy policy separately established by the Association, and members shall comply with this.
Article 17 (Compensation for damages)
Members shall be responsible for compensating for any damage caused to the Association or any other third party due to reasons attributable to the Member in connection with the use of the Association.
Article 18 (Disclaimer)
  1. 1. If a member incurs damage in connection with the use of the Association due to reasons attributable to the Association, the member may claim compensation from the Association. However, the Company's liability to the member shall be limited to the amount equivalent to the amount paid by the member in connection with the use of the Company, unless there is intentional or gross negligence on the part of the Company.
  2. 2. If you do not receive mail such as tickets with a specified performance date after the performance date due to your absence, etc., all tickets will be invalidated and the price will not be refunded.
  3. 3. We are not responsible for any failures in the use of our services due to natural disasters, interruptions in telecommunications services, malfunctions of internet connection devices such as computers used by members, or other reasons that cannot be attributed to our association. yeah.
  4. 4. If a notification is given using the method specified in Article 3, the member may not raise any objections even if the member is not in an environment where it can be received.
  5. 5. The Association is not responsible for any procedural deficiencies or accidents caused by each financial institution.
  6. 6. Announcements of performances, etc. may be published in parallel with other media other than the fan club, such as the official website and e-mail.
  7. 7. If the Association sends a shipment to a member, the Association will notify the member using the method it deems best, and at the same time indicate the period during which shipments will not be received. In the event that a shipment is not received, the member shall contact the Association in an appropriate manner within the non-delivery acceptance period. No matter what the reason, we will not respond to requests received after the non-delivery acceptance period has passed. In addition, we generally do not resend shipments due to member errors such as incorrect addresses or unregistered addresses. Even if this is done, the shipping charges (as determined by the Association) will be borne by the member.
Article 19 (Changes to Terms)
  1. 1. 当会は下記の場合に、当社の裁量で本規約に追加、削除、修正等の変更をすることができるものとします。
  2. 1-1.本規約の変更が、会員の一般の利益に適合するとき。
  3. 1-2.本規約の変更が、契約をした目的に反せず、かつ、変更の必要性、変更後の内容の相当性、変更の内容その他の変更にかかる事情に照らして合理的なものであるとき。
  4. 2. 前記による本規約の変更を行う場合、当会は本規約を変更する旨、変更後の本規約の内容及び変更の効力発生時期を当会のサービス上に表示する、またはその他適切な方法により会員に周知するものとします。変更後の本規約は、上記効力発生時期より効力を生じるものとします。本規約の変更の効力が生じた後に当会のサービスを利用した会員には、変更後の本規約が適用されます。
  5. 3. 当会のサービスは民法第548条の2第1項に定める「定型取引」に該当し、また本規約は同項に定める「定型約款」に該当します。
Article 20 (Agenda matters)
In the event that any doubt arises regarding matters not stipulated in these Terms or regarding the interpretation of these Terms, the member and the Association shall resolve the matter through mutual consultation in good faith.
Article 21 (Jurisdiction)
Members and our association agree that in the event that a lawsuit arises between them regarding these terms and conditions, the Tokyo District Court will have exclusive jurisdiction as the court of first instance.
  1. 1. 本規約の規定の一部が法令に基づいて無効と判断されても、本規約の他の規定は有効とします。
  2. 2. 本規約の規定の一部がある利用者との関係で無効又は取消となった場合でも、本規約は他の利用者との関係では有効とします

付則  2021年11月10日 改定
    2023年7月5日 改定