
  • E-ticket
This lottery is only for the performances on Saturday, December 28, 2024 and Sunday, January 19, 2025.

Event Outline

Event Title
Title:HYPNOSISMIC -Division Rap Battle- Division Fan meeting Bad Ass Temple
Cast:Bad Ass Temple
Date:Saturday, December 28, 2024
Venue:Kitakyushu Soleil Hall, Fukuoka

Title:HYPNOSISMIC -Division Rap Battle- Division Fan meeting Dotsuitare Hompo
Cast:Dotsuitare Hompo
Date:Sunday, January 19, 2025
Venue:Act City Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
Ticket Fee
Type of Seat/Price(Tax included): reserved seats - 8,800JPY

System usage fee(tax included): 220JPY / 1Performances
Ticketing fee(tax included):110JPY / 1tickets
Tickets are required for elementary school students, and above/Children below primary school are not allowed.

Reception overview

Application acceptance period (JST)
From Tuesdey, October 15, 2024 12:00 to Sunday, October 27, 2024 23:59
Lottery result announcement (JST)
Thursday, November 7, 2024 15:00(Estimated Time)
Payment Due (JST)
Thursday, November 7, 2024 15:00 to Sunday, November 10, 2024 23:00
Payment Method
Credit card, Paypal or UnionPay
Lottery draw eligibility
  • ① 抽獎時擁有有效帳號的HYPSTER會員

  • *申請對所有HYPSTER會員開放,包括在接待期間加入的會員。

  • *If your membership has expired at the time of the draw, you will not be eligible to apply. Please check your membership expiration date at your MyPage and renew if necessary.
  • *An active account is an account that has had its payment confirmed and is able to login

  • ② Those with their own smartphone on which they can download apps

    *本次活動的門票只能透過智慧型手機官方HYPSTER APP 取得電子門票。
    官方HYPSTER APP 可以在這裡下載。

    *官方HYPSTER應用程式可在任何具有網路連線並可存取 Google Play 商店或 Apple Store 且支援 SMS 的智慧型手機上使用。


Number of tickets that can be applied for
  • ① Each lottery is limited to 1 ticket per member.
  • ②申請2張門票時,必須指定一名陪同人員。

How to apply for 2 tickets


電子門票將發放至獲獎者在官方HYPSTER APP 上的帳戶。


Information need to register companions

In order to designate a companion, the following information is required.

    • (1) Companion的Plus member ID
    • (2) 在 (1) Plus member ID註冊的電話號碼
    • (3) Companion’s date of birth

    Plus member ID確認方法

    • *獲勝後您無法更改您的同伴。請確保輸入您確定能夠陪伴您的人員的詳細資訊。
      如果您購買後您的同伴無法參加,請使用我們在 Tixplus Trade 的官方門票交易和轉售服務。但請注意,使用此服務需要日本銀行帳戶。
    • *如果您輸入的電話號碼或Plus member ID有誤,您將無法收到電子門票。


    Regarding support for companions without smartphones

About electronic tickets

Find out more about electronic tickets

申請人和同伴的電子門票均透過官方HYPSTER APP 簽發。

E-ticket Ticket display date: Friday, December 20, 2024(Estimated Time)
Ticket display device

The phone linked to the phone number registered during application

*票友還需下載官方HYPSTER APP。
當申請 2 張門票時,每位收件人將透過智慧型手機獲得一張電子門票。


Ticket sharing: These advance tickets are not shareable
Portrait face photo registration is required


您可以在這裡下載官方HYPSTER APP

*官方HYPSTER APP 可在任何具有網路連線並可存取 Google Play 商店或 Apple Store 且支援簡訊功能的智慧型手機上使用。不支援功能手機。

About our support for companions without smartphones

Support for companions without smartphones


  • *If the applicant is unable to attend with them, a companion without a smartphone will not be able to enter the venue on their own.
  • *If the applicant is unable to attend and instead trades their tickets, they must trade both tickets together. The tickets cannot be listed separately.
  • *Please make sure to bring ID that can be used to verify your identity when you attend the performance.
lease check the list of eligible and ineligible combinations before applying.

About the prohibition of unauthorized resales and transfers


嚴格禁止所有未透過我們的官方門票交易和轉售服務「Tixplus Trade」進行的第三方門票轉售和轉讓,無論目的或意圖如何。

  • *The name registered at the time of application will be displayed on the ticket, and no one other than the applicant will be allowed entry.
  • *Please be sure to bring a valid form of ID designated by the show when entering the venue.
  • *請注意,如果發現違反上述或HYPSTER服務條款中的任何條件,您可能會被要求出示您的HYPSTER會員卡和/或 ID。

Please be sure to check before applying.

1.How to apply

申請時,請使用您的Plus member ID和密碼登入。

*您可以在HYPSTER網站上的 MyPage 上確認您的Plus member ID。
*申請前,請務必透過 MyPage 確認並更改您註冊的HYPSTER詳細資料。如果您在申請期間輸入的詳細資料與您的會員詳細資料不符,您將沒有資格參加抽獎。

2.About companion authentication
  • 這些預售票要求任何同伴也必須是註冊的HYPSTER會員。
    尚未加入HYPSTER的Plus member ID將無法在 Lawson 門票收據畫面上驗證為同伴,因此加入後請務必透過HYPSTER網站的 MyPage 確認其Plus member ID。
    另外,在Lawson Ticket收據畫面中輸入同伴的電話號碼時,請輸入下圖中紅色標記區域註冊的號碼。

Confirm details on MyPage

3.Supported devices
  • 任何具有註冊電話號碼和互聯網功能的智慧型手機都可以使用透過官方HYPSTER APP 發行的電子門票。
    • (*SMS contract is required for both iPhone and Android devices)
    iPhone 裝置:iOS 13.0 或更高版本
    Android 裝置:Android 作業系統 7.0 或更高版本
  • *平板電腦設備和 iPod Touch 設備不相容於電子機票。

Regarding supported devices

4.Email inbox settings

When the start date displayed on a ticket arrives, emails will be sent to applicants and their companions from Tixplus detailing how they can receive their electronic tickets.


5.Receiving your tickets
  • 獲獎者將透過官方HYPSTER APP 收到門票。

    In order to prevent unauthorized resales, tickets can only be received on the smartphone device linked to the phone number registered in the initial application.

    • *在HYPSTER官方APP上,每個Plus member ID只能使用一個電話號碼,同一個電話號碼不能註冊多個帳號。
    • *If you are unable to receive your ticket due to reasons such as your phone number being changed after purchasing a new phone, or making a mistake inputting your number during your application, please get in contact with Tixplus customer support after tickets have started being distributed.
    • *If the companion was listed as not possessing a smartphone during the application, the companion’s ticket can be displayed together with the applicant’s on the applicant’s device.
6.Notes regarding the ticket application process
  • Tickets are allocated via lottery and not on a first-come-first-served basis. Please apply within the designated period.
  • You can only submit one application for advance tickets for a given performance. After your application has been submitted, you cannot apply again for advance tickets for the same performance.
  • Only one application per member is allowed. Please apply for all the performances you wish to attend in one application.
  • Deposits for winning performances cannot be made individually for each performance. Payment for all selected performances must be made in a lump sum only. Please apply only for the performances you are sure to attend.
  • You can only submit one application per person; this also applies to applications submitted as accompanying persons.
  • We are unable to answer inquiries regarding seating arrangements and/or the lottery process.
  • Refunds will not be provided due to changes in the cast or cancellations for the convenience of the purchaser.
  • 使用信用卡付款時,將確認您的信用卡的有效性(授權確認)。


  • 官方HYPSTER APP 可與具有網路連線、可存取 Google Play 或 Apple Store 並可接收簡訊的智慧型手機一起使用。
  • A smartphone contract that includes the provision of SMS services is necessary for both iPhone and Android smartphones.
  • 電子門票與功能手機、平板電腦設備(不具備簡訊功能的設備)和 iPod touch 設備不相容。
  • After the process of receiving tickets has been initiated, you will receive a notification email from Tixplus. Please configure your email settings to allow emails from「plusmember.jp」.
  • Only members who have purchased this advance ticket will be admitted to the venue. Illegal trade (resale) and transfers of tickets are forbidden.
  • The resale or transfer of tickets to a third party is strictly forbidden under any circumstances.
  • The share member feature cannot be used for this advance ticket.
  • In the event you are using an Android device, there may be cases where you are unable to apply due to the browser. In such cases, please try using Google Chrome to apply instead.
7.Registering your face photo


Click here for more details on face photo registration.

8.Important information regarding admission


為了進行身份驗證,透過官方HYPSTER APP 發出的電子門票將包含一張肖像照片,您在入場時將被要求出示。

Identity verification

  • Please be aware that all winners are required to register a portrait photo. Failure to register by the deadline will result in denial of admission.
  • Please be aware that you may be asked to show your ID when you enter the venue if it is difficult to confirm that your photo matches that of the person displayed on the ticket. Please make sure to bring a valid ID with you when you travel to the venue.
  • If we are unable to confirm your identity, you will be denied entry into the venue regardless of the reason.
  • 請注意,如果發生此類事件,我們將不會賠償機票費用,也不會賠償任何手續費、差旅費或其他此類費用。
    如果您購買門票後無法參加,請使用我們的官方門票交易和轉售服務 Tixplus Trade,但請注意,使用此服務需要日本銀行帳戶。

Support for companions without smartphones

  • When applying for 2 tickets along with a companion, during the application process if one of the two of you does not possess a smartphone you can request to have both tickets displayed on the same device.
  • At section (3) of the companion’s details on the Lawson application screen, when asked “Does your companion possess a smartphone?”,please make sure to select “They do not possess a smartphone”.

About valid forms of ID

Only one of the following is required (photo ID)
Passport / Driver’s License / Student ID or Handbook w/ Photo / My Number Card / Basic Resident Register Card w/ Photo / Alien Registration Certificate / Residence Card / Disability Certificate / Health Insurance Card w/ Photo
Two of the following are required (if you do not have a photo ID)
Student ID or Handbook without Photo / Basic Resident Card / Health Insurance Card / Pension Book / Official Copy of Family Register /
The following are not recognized as forms of ID
Certificate of Residence / All Membership Cards / Credit Card / Cash Card / Expired IDs / Copies or Photos of IDs

